Refugees: What Can I Do?

they have no idea what it is like to lose home at the risk of never finding home again, have your entire life split between two lands and become the bridge between two countries.

— rupi kaur
Amina- refugee from the Democratic of Congo and her baby triplets.
austin, texas
(photo by nana)

This past Thursday, the Trump administration announced that it will accept only 18,000 refugees in the next year. This is a staggering drop especially considering the record numbers of refugees across the globe, over the past decade. There are currently 70.8 million forcibly displaced people world-wide, millions of whom are refugees, half of whom are children. The UNHCR puts this into perspective by explaining that every two seconds, at least one person becomes displaced due to conflict or persecution. One. Two. So what can we do? Here are just a few things:

  1. Inform yourself. The facts are all easy to find and will help you form an informed opinion and engage in meaningful conversation.
  2. Talk about it! After knowing the facts, get the conversation going and challenge fears and misconceptions.
  3. Help out. There are many refugee homes and centers in constant need of an extra hand. And the closest one may be just a quick drive away!
  4. Donate. IRC, Save the Children, Mercy Corps, Doctor without Borders, Jesuit Refugee Services…check them out and you know what to do!
  5. Vote. Change begins at home and an informed vote can help catalyst this change.
  6. Support businesses that support refugees. Here are some favorites to name a few: Ben & Jerry’s, Uniqlo, AirBnB, Lyft, Ikea and Starbucks.
  7. Contact your member of congress. After finding out who your representative is, shoot them a call or email. More tools and templates can found below!
  8. Pray! For the safety of refugees, for peace, for our world leaders and for the desire to be bold, be kind, be empathetic and act in courage and humility.

Here are a few more resources and quick links you can use:

  • full list of places to donate: Charity Navigator
  • easy to read stats and facts: UNHCR trends at a glance
  • GREAT documentary: Human Flow by Ei Wei Wei (can be found on YouTube, Amazon Video and Google Play for just a couple of bucks)
  • keep up with the news on migrants and refugees on: UN News
  • online petition to contact your representative: HIAS